Sunday, December 29, 2013

8 Things that really leads to Success: Richard St. John on TED TALK. ~ Lever Stand

8 Things that really leads to Success: Richard St. John on TED TALK. ~ Lever Stand: iticism, Rejection, Assholes, and Pressu...
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Friday, April 5, 2013

The Beautiful Anne Hathaway - The Dark Knight Rises

Now I don't know about you, but if I ever saw a beautiful woman in a movie, it was Anne Hathaway.  Now I'm not a big film watcher myself, but I did get into the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy, and I never regretted watching any of it...any of the dozens of times I watched each of the three. I'm sure loads of other people knew exactly who Anne Hathaway was before the 2012 and final...
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm Still In Love With Karen Carpenter

Child of the 70's I was born in the year nineteen hundred and seventy four. That number describes the years following the year of our lord. Karen Carpenter couldn't be any more embedded into my brain. She competes only with Lennon/McCartney, and Robert Plant for top slot in the great "which singing voice has my grey matter most been exposed to?" contest. You didn't even realize there was a...
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Olivia Newton John, One of The World's Most Beautiful Women.

Multi Faceted, and Extreme Beauty There's no doubt in my mind about this, Olivia Newton John is one of the most excellent examples of beauty in the world during my time.  Not only is Olivia a beaming, smiling, beautiful woman, she's a beautiful and talented actress, and has one of the most beautiful female singing voices in the history of recorded music. Olivia! Source: Source: Let...
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Monday, November 28, 2011


You know, I'm nowhere near alone in my fascination of red headed women.  In fact, I'm finding that the fascination is somewhat common.  I'd imagine that lots of it comes from the old saying Red on the head equals fire in the bed. We the living are often driven by primal urges and desires or instincts on many levels.  It's that way for a reason, probably a great many reasons. Oh...
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Female Beauty...Some Thoughts.

Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes, and the shape of a woman, in it's many varieties, has been a source of inspiration for all throughout the ages. I do not wish to live in a world where such things are not appreciated. I only wish that I were the only one with such an appreciation, and that all other men that walk the Earth were Eunuchs. Sorry, guys, off with your huevos! David Rockefeller is...
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