Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm Still In Love With Karen Carpenter


Child of the 70's

I was born in the year nineteen hundred and seventy four. That number describes the years following the year of our lord. Karen Carpenter couldn't be any more embedded into my brain. She competes only with Lennon/McCartney, and Robert Plant for top slot in the great "which singing voice has my grey matter most been exposed to?" contest. You didn't even realize there was a contest concerning vocalist within your grey matter did you?
Hey, blond women turn my crank very often. I only don't understand why some people have such a fascination with blond women. My opinions always lead me to the conclusion that the most beautiful women in the world have always been brunettes. If you are a blond haired woman - you shouldn't take this to mean that I don't find your looks to be stunning, breathtaking, and that you've not already stepped on my poor little black heart with your high heels, spat on it, and ground it further into the ground.
Somewhere in the back of my mind there is a remote and rebellious little syndicate of grey matter that is forever playing We've Only Just Begun , I'll Never Fall In Love Again , and On Top Of the World . If I could snuff out that annoying little coterie of resistance, then there are days that the purge would surely have been carried out already.

Karen Carpenter - Beautiful - Young and Older.


The Carpenters are forever a historic bit of Americana. Barbie Dolls they are, clean, clean cut, brother and sister. The anti hippies, the anti head bangers, the music my Mom listened to. The following movie, however, is creepy, to the point, and brilliant in ways that I can't even explain. I'm told that brother Richard tried to sue over this movie, as it portrayed him in a negative light. I don't think that he was successful, as being portrayed in a negative light isn't a crime, especially when your particular shade of light has been misrepresented as "positive" for so many years. The dark side won, Richard, move along.
It's not my intention here to cause you to like "Superstar," the creepy movie using barbie dolls to portrayThe Carpenters. It's my intention here to introduce you to something you might not be aware of concerning The Carpenters. If watching "Superstar" opens your eyes a bit to the fact that celebrity culture victimizes us all in many ways, then congratulations, we both hate the mass media, and come away wiser persons.

A Moment In Time.

One particularly weird moment of my life happened a few years ago at the office of the Terrell Tribune.
Something in the wind has learned my name
And it's telling me that things are not the same
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze
There's a pleasing sense of happiness for me.
It was a completely dead moment in the newspaper business that afternoon, and I was playing on youtube. I played that song, and Mother came out of her office and we sang it. . . .or at least, I started singing it to her. An office full of women and girls, with the exception of yours truly. . . .stopped whatever they were doing and listened to the little show. None of those older women could hide the fact that they thought it was a beautiful moment, and that they wished they had a son at the office to sing to them.

The Carpenters - Top Of The World.

More than just a singer.

Karen Carpenter was more than just a singer though. When I figured that bit of trivia out though, I just about flipped. I had no idea. I was perusing a list of Rolling Stone magazine drummer of the year award winners. . . .and saw the name Karen Carpenter. I thought that it was surely some mistake. I was wrong!
I think that she was altogether beautiful on this first clip on the adjoining video.

Karen Carpenter was an OUTSTANDING Drummer.

Studio Perfection - The Carpenters.

Struggle For Perfection.

What do you get when you strive for perfection? You only get lies, pain and sorrow, you never get perfection. You get concerned about what some whore who works forRolling Stone says about your weight, or your looks, and maybe, just maybe you let that ruin your life. Karen Carpenter was already as close to perfect as she would ever be, she only didn't realize it, and somehow, someone's shitty comments in a shitty corporate magazine destroyed her.  It's nobody's fault, and it's everyone's fault.

The State Hospital

Once I was in a nuthouse, well, there was more than once. . . .but a young woman that looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over it . . .sat across from me at a meal, and proceeded to ask for my food, you know, "if I wasn't going to eat it." It's pretty tough to NOT give some food to someone that looks like they already should be dead from starvation.
After a few meals like that I was approached by a large black woman, one of the many, unfriendly ones that work there, and she said,
I don't know why you give your food to that bitch, she just throws it up in the bathroom after she eats it.
I don't believe I ever claimed to understand that.

We've Only Just Begun - The Carpenters.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Olivia Newton John, One of The World's Most Beautiful Women.


Multi Faceted, and Extreme Beauty

There's no doubt in my mind about this, Olivia Newton John is one of the most excellent examples of beauty in the world during my time.  Not only is Olivia a beaming, smiling, beautiful woman, she's a beautiful and talented actress, and has one of the most beautiful female singing voices in the history of recorded music.

Let Me Be There.

With John Travolta, and Friends!

Olivia Newton John!

If you are looking for stories about how I loved the film "Grease" as a child, and lusted always for blond Olivia, go away, you're in the wrong place. I have no such stories to tell. I had no such infatuation then, and though I like the movie "Grease" , I've not seen any of it, save the Summer Love video featured here, in years. I do have an Olivia story though, and no, I've never seen the woman in my life; but here you go.
In 2006 I was living in a Discipleship ministry in Desoto, Texas; and working for a criminal who was a multi millionaire, and who laundered money for the government of the United States of America, imported cocaine from Peru, and now sells arms overseas for the C.I.A. I bought and sold commercial trucks and trailers for the guy, and there were then three other individuals, two men, and one woman; that worked with me there. There were other employees, of course, but the others that I shall speak of were ministry/drug rehab folk like myself. Now, it might be hard for you to fathom, but I'd keys to pretty much every vehicle that the ministry owned, and I was often the driver for a rather large group of men and women there, and so, I wound up with the keys to the millionaire's nice turbo diesel extended cab Texas Ford truck; and I drove the group of four employees to work and back every day.
There was an older Black man, and he was still very much into hip hop, and there was a younger white guy, and for all the world he thought that he was really a black guy, and there was a 40 something blond woman. I'd orchestrated a deal to where control of the radio went to me on either the morning trip, or the trip home; but I reserved the right to turn up or down the radio, I was the effin' driver, for God's sake. So anyways, one morning we're driving down I 35 into Dallas, Texas; and I've got the radio set to classic rock, and a song came on that I'd not heard in so long that it only existed somewhere in the back of my consciousness, and that song was Let Me Be There . Hearing that supremely beautiful voice, the uplifting message and joyfulness of it all changed my entire day, the other men . . .perhaps sensing the vibe, just remained silent, and me and the older blonde woman, who, no doubt, had grown up with the music of Olivia Newton John; we both enjoyed it so thoroughly that I'd felt that she and I, the woman, were forever connected in some weird psychic way after that.

Olivia Newton John - If You Love Me Let Me Know.

The Life Of Olivia

Born in Cambridge, England to a Welsh father and an Ashkenazi "Jewish" mother, Olivia was the grand daughter of Max Born, the Nobel prize winning atomic physicist. Now, I'd never have guessed that bit of knowledge; God bless Wikipedia, right? Want more? Olivia's father was in the MI 5, and he'd personally taken the insane Rudolph Hess into custody, when he'd made his bizarre flight to England during the second world war. I've no idea how she wound up in Australia, look it up yourself; I'm just the guy that's infatuated with that smile from the 70's, and that crystalline voice.
I have to admit it, despite how attractive I find the Olivia Newton John circa 70's model, I see that smile, and I think to myself, "here is a woman who's had everything that there has ever been to have in this world, and she'd have it offered to her for nothing more than a smile."
I hate that shit, and I dislike that she looks so smug, and confident; and that she truly had the whole world in the palm of her hand then. Maybe I'm jealous, eh? I'll tell you the truth, she could smile at me today, and sing me a line; and I'd probably declare her the goddess of the universe. I'm just weak like that sometimes.
But Olivia is more than that, she's a survivor of breast cancer, and breast cancer is my least favorite form of cancer.  If you weren't born loving breasts, I feel very sorry for you; I'd imagine that breast cancer is the world's most hated cancer.  I have no favorite cancer, really, I hate them all; but such is life, and if you live long enough, nothing will grow in your body but hair, ear lobes, your nose, and cancer. Will you survive it? Olivia has, and she, and her beauty are still with us, catch it if you can.

Magic (recent)

Magic (1980)

This Hub was last updated on August 25, 2012
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